Monday, November 13, 2006

dear anonymous: you were rather harsh. but very true. i have to agree i need to change my perspective.

anyway, it's been quite a good day today. nice weather, im getting really used to the cold, even the wind doesnt bother me anymore. went to the gym after lectures in the morning, had one of the best workouts since i've been sick. and i was so happy when my tutorial ended half an hour early. bought some files, did some filing, i love filing, i love being organised. just had dinner and now im going to be a nerd. everyone's gonna celebrate olly's birthday later, not sure if i wanna go out to Kingdom, maybe maybe. it's still early, i'll decide later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I didn't mean to be harsh but reality is harsh, and sometimes that's just the way it has to be. After all, stars do fall but the Sun is a constant..which is somehow ironic seeing that the Sun is in essence a star. :-)