Saturday, November 18, 2006

heya chuany, thanks for that. yeah i dont think hating anyone would do anybody any good. well we're still young, you never know what life is going to throw at us next. meanwhile let's just enjoy the ride and be happy! (: anyway, im at your sister's place now!!

yup, at yiling's place now typing this. won all my 3 matches yesteday but lost my singles just now, and like yiling said "pang sai feeling". yes, i felt so shitty, not because i lost but because i played like crap. it was so disgusting. i was so disappointed in myself. still am. but well, gotta psyche up for my mixed doubles later on.

anyway the motel we're staying at is not that bad but not that great either. the bed is.. comfy enough to sleep but the pillow is prob 4cm thick. but i was too tired last night to care. laura and i fell straight asleep after we came back from dinner at zizzi's. think everyone seems to be really excited about the social tonight at Walkabout, i sold my ticket to tse cuz he couldnt get one but i got yiling to save one for me, but i knew he wanted to go more than i wanted to so i let him have it. im not that interested in drinking and clubbing anyways, not today especially, oh and especially if i win my mixed later and i have to play tomorrow. i'd much rather sleep.

yiling's making noodles for dinner now, gonna see if she needs help.

(sending my love to yc, dave, liz and tricia who might be reading this, i miss sheffield. nottingham is.. boring... i think this place makes me sleepy. i feel sleepy all the time i dont know why)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ah .. doesnt matter! at least you all are still actively involve with the game you love! so jus have fun man! take care and good luck!