Wednesday, November 15, 2006

i took this photo yesterday after my workout at the gym. i was just walking to the city and i saw this tree with beautiful red leaves. and it just made me stop and i felt really happy looking at the tree (no im not crazy). and i had to take a picture, you know, capture that moment. probably lots of people walk past that tree everyday, but i dont think many, if any, stop to admire it's beauty. it made me realise that sometimes in life we just have to slow down and stop and observe, and you realise that there are so many things around you that are so worth noticing.

me and my ramblings.

anyway took a bus down to stockbridge today after school. ohmygwad the bus ride cost me 3poundfifty. i mean even though it's a day rider trip, it's still so expensive. but it was worth the one hour bus ride. i had two fantastic matches. i felt really good playing singles again! surprise surprise! im still quite good! hahaha. yay, morale is up for nottingham games :D speaking of which, Dr Cope was very kind and told me i could take my formative assessment after i come back from nottingham next week :D yay. so i can leave on friday morning for nottingham without worries.

heya kohzy, nope i didnt get your msg. which number did u send your sms to? my uk number?

dear anonymous, well there is always both sides to a coin i guess. having priorities can be good and bad at the same time. sometimes you have to plan and prioritize, there are times you just have to just trust things will happen they way they ought to and like you say, see each day for what it is. but as it is, sometimes, people end up not seeing at all. and instead of embracing each new day, and what each day brings, they lose track of what they are living for. perhaps it's just me, i know what i want and im willing to prioritize and fight for what i want and i choose to believe that's what makes me different. as for idolising him - thing is, i loved him for who he was, he didnt have to try to live up to any status. but when a drastic change occurs, i cant just live with it poking me in the eye and not say anything about it. it'd take me ages to explain and clarify but i dont really want to. so yeah.


Anonymous said...

ya ur uk number. was it wrong? ill try again.

Anonymous said...

Well I get where you're coming from, but maybe, just maybe he never knew that there wasn't any pressure on him to live up to that status. And you've got to accept that things and people change and sometimes there's just no going back.

Are you hoping for a miracle? It's not enough.

-Bloc Party-