Thursday, November 23, 2006

it's been a cooooold day. and while tricia and i were in the library in the afternoon before our ILA, i slept because i was tired. woke up with 2 hours to kill and TRIED reading some embryology, but couldnt concentrate and i gave up without understanding anything. so tricia and i went to the union after to grab lunch and shop cuz it was market day at the fusion ;)

tutorial was good. i feel my brain's grown bigger by a teenyweenybit!

YAWN im still tired, all i want to do is curl up in bed and sleep, but im going out for chinese dinner with MASSOC. all i want is sleep, really.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HIIII. nawwww u fail bio. tsk tsk tsk. you are born with a fixed number of brain cells. they dont grow out new ones. they only die. if too much dies too early, then thats parkinsons. =D

<3, baby!