Friday, November 24, 2006

please grab it, hold it tight, treasure it and cherish it and never let it slip away again. i've got one foot in the water. im not going to jump in and hope that i will be able to swim because i dont want to drown a second time. please tell me you'll be my float.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

KIM! emilyn asked van to organize an outing when ur back! yay=) and the song is really nice. u shd really haf caught the movie! another i've got another great song that i wanna send to u! better together by jack johnson. he makes me feel so good=) love ya kim! and please smile!
(btw mon is my last paper!i wonder will my mon come earlier or urs?so perhaps ur mon comes earlier than mine den u sms me n congratulate me on finishing As when i still am mugging for it.ok warp theroy.honestly i am getting insane.)