Monday, December 4, 2006

london was.. a bit too expensive and crowded and busy for my liking but it was exciting being there. taking the tube, visiting tourist attractions, going shopping, getting stuck in between the train doors (yes not funny i was walking into the train and the doors slammed on me), walking up 193steps to get out of the tube station because we were too impatient to wait for the lifts. (made me miss the mrts back home, the tube in london honestly... CMI.) and of cos the SHOPPING! what i really love about london are the markets! borough market, portobello market, covent garden market.. wish they had markets like that in sheffield.

i didnt shop that much, just bought a belt and a lamp, wanted to get this dress but was waaay too pricey.

was really lucky to stay at huiyiang's cousin's friend's place. he had a really nice apartment, and he was really welcoming, he let yiang and i take over his big room for 2 nights! okie some photos will be up soon!

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