Thursday, December 7, 2006

nice and cosy at my favourite starbucks, with my favourite drink and my favourite girls (:
i had so much fun chatting i didnt want to go for class (i did go for class of course)
finally settled our contract for our housing next year! im sooo looking forward to staying in that house with everyone!

p.s. yan i saw your blog with pics. you look so pretty! (like your dress - sweet and simple, AND your highlights ;) oh and where did u get those cute shoes?? you can never find nice strappy shoes like those in uk :( )
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1 comment:

teabag said...

hi mei!!

do you want to house me when i 'tour' sheffield! ha ha! due to slight change of plans, i'm only arriving in UK in march! (:

can't wait to see youuu!
