Saturday, December 9, 2006

RAH. i blogged and it didnt get saved. anyway i was saying... yesterday yiang and i went to louise's flat to cook beehoon! brought it over to ziqi's place cuz he was having a nice big gathering. lots of good food and nice warm bonfire right outside his bedroom in the backyard.
just came back from my day trip to york!! shopping shopping!! i LOVE york. york has to be my favourite city in england (sofar), i dont know, you know how sometimes you just like a place because of the feeling it gives you? not just because of the good shopping (so many little lanes and shops!), love the old buildings and churches and little lanes that remind me of the lanes in harrypotter the movie, york is busy but not bustling like london, small city centre but not as small as cambridge. york is nice and quaint, just the way i like it!
pictures up soon!!

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