Wednesday, December 13, 2006

woohoo! it's wednesday AND i'm feeling happy cuz it is midweek AND because i'm doing my laundry. doing laudry is therapeutic. yum.

anyways, yesterday we celebrated dave's birthday in advance. it was SUPPOSE to be a party, but zoe was sick and nina got drunk drinking a bottle of wine on her own (i dont know why she didnt join us) and dave SMARTLY decided to put on Philadelphia on his laptop and got me and liz addicted to the movie and we didnt want to do anything but watch it. (but dave, yes it is a good movie!) so in the end we watched Philadelphia till sumiran got ready and we ordered indian food.

see that photo with the cup in my mouth? well, trust me to get the ball rolling and we started taking crazy pictures after.

(i don't know why i put up SO embarassing photos of myself, but OWELL, all in the name of fun. bet all of YOU are laughing your diaphragms out ;P )

(: it was good fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kim, awesome fun this gathering, i propose we make this a monthly affair, ensuring pravda is open? philadelphia....!!!