Sunday, January 14, 2007


1. travelling on a 17hour flight (including a one hour stop over)

2. taking the tube for an hour (& having to carry my 20kg luggage + 10kg bagpack + 2boxes of pineappletarts + one box of almondcookies + coat up the MANY flight of stairs)

3. waiting 2 hours for my bus to sheffield to leave

4. my bus ride that was suppose to last 4 hours

5. but had to detour to the bus depot BECAUSE a window was falling off :S and we had to switch buses

6. so my bus ride ended up taking nearly 5 hours

7. taking the tram to the city = half an hour

8. taking a cab back home

I AM KNACKERED/SHATTERED/DRAINED/WHACKED. basically any word to describe exhausted. i am that.

now. i just changed my bed sheets and im going to dry my hair and it's GOODNIGHT!

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