Tuesday, January 2, 2007

i remember reading on baby's blog about reality check lists. and how i'm amazed at how useless they were to me previously. mainly because my heart always seemed to have the ability to rule over my head and despite having reality check lists, i will still go ahead and do what i know what may not be good for me. but as i type this entry at 2 am in the morning, i can say with certainty i know what is good for me, and i know what i want, what i can give and what i truly deserve.

note: jacq is right, this is cathartic

it's a new year. and it's a fresh start. im about to turn twenty this year and it is the time of my life. no one and nothing, i mean, nothing is going to stop me from living my life and being happy. and tomorrow i will wake up (maybe later than usual because it is afterall past my bedtime), feel extremely single but i will not linger, i will walk on.

happy new year (:

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