Thursday, January 25, 2007

im intrigued by britain's number one women's magazine. (thanks to rachel)

"when we find that one person who makes us forget our own shortcomings and feels as though we're on a permanent holiday together. then we know we've fallen... deeply. it's rare but when it does arrive, we're left with a giddy sensation - as though we're free to reinvent ourselves in whatever manner we wish." - eric mabius

that's how i felt.

and love is quite simple really. it's a feeling - just like happiness, excitement, nervousness, sadness. you don't know why you feel the way you do, you just do. you feel happy whenever you do something you like. you dont need a reason to like something, do you? it's the same, you just love someone. you dont really need a reason.

but relationships, now they are a totally different thing. unnnfortunately... more complicated.

people who think that relationships are easy are wrong, it's not. it takes a lot of maintenance and alot of communication, sacrifice and giving. it's a hard thing to maintain and you have to keep taking it day by day.

i still believe that love is enough (despite what people say to me - im stubborn in that way) because love drives me; drives me to try make a relationship work and i wont back down till i find a reason, or should i say, a reason finds me.


Anonymous said...

i totally agree with what you say, especially with the qoute from eric =)

teabag said...

jie believes wholeheartedly that love is enough (: don't stop believing k.

take good care of yourself sweetheart cos i care! will see you very soon k?

hugs and loves*