Wednesday, January 3, 2007

it's not funny how painful it feels. to quote dave after he kicked his toe against the door "you anticipate the pain, but when the pain comes it's worse than you had expected."

i thought i've had enough of crying. i think i've cried enough to fill my swimming pool. i shall now again, stop. thank you princess for coming over, watched me sob and then after i stopped, listened to me relate the story of the murder of ketchup and chilli after midnight supper. (i still havent lost my sense of humour thankyouverymuch) thank you dave for listening to me cry this morning, i know not exactly a very exciting conversation - listening to me cry because i cant breathe and i sound like im giving birth.

and despite my eyes looking like goldfish's/swordfish's/ikanbilis's eyes, im going out. because i need to get out.. and perhaps if i have the chance, shop.

because tomorrow i will be in more pain. and i will look like a puffer fish once im done removing my wisdom tooth :/

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