Wednesday, January 24, 2007

philipp is prob one of the few people who asks me all the time what my msn nickname means.

"well i dont know, i like the word "eventually"
i think it's a very patient word
dont you think?"

"yea, its really a nice word"

"yup things happen eventually. the best things in life.. you have to wait (:

"well, a friend told me yesterday that you wait all ya life and finally you die waiting..."

"erm. okay. haha. well you dont just wait and do nothing you know."

anyway his last line made me laugh so bad. i went to take a quick shower without telling him and there he was rattling on about 'unreflected actionism' theory (i honestly had no idea what he was talking about, he was trying to explain). anyway so he thought i fell asleep cuz i was ignoring him, then he said

"anyway, even if u dont want to speak to me anymore, i'll try to talk to you later"

hahaha i dunno why i thought that sounded so funny..but then again, i laugh at the weirdest stuff. so. ignore me


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