Saturday, February 3, 2007

i went down a bit too early to collect my clothes from the washing machine to put in the dryer, i had 15mins to kill and i was too lazy to climb up the stairs to go back to my room so i thought i'd drop by isaac's and see what he's up to. he was busy doing his ssc, so i just sat on his bed and stoned for a bit. then i saw a card pinned up on his board. it said:

The Falling Donkey

Beware the donkey
falling slowly from the sky
you can choose the way you live
but not the way you die.

and i laughed, only because of the picture of the falling donkey that was about to land on a stick man. other than that, the card was more.. meaningful than funny.

then we talked about.. life in general.
it felt good, talking to someone. cuz i felt quite island-nish today.

if you were stranded on an island, and you could only have one person for company, who would that be?

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