Thursday, February 1, 2007

spending a whole hour in tutorial talking about lung cancer was really.. depressing. (despite how i love my tutorial sessions cuz i learn so much - i really want to be a good doctor) i like my tutor, who is also a surgeon, he was very kind to me today. seika is right, it's harder being a medic.

gonna get the blood test done first thing in the morning, then im going shopping tomorrow after class!!! i think im gonna get my black shoes (: oh and im excited, i got posted to Jessop wing for a week! Gynaecology and Obstetrics! i get to see women and babies a WHOLE week during my attachment! and then after that i'll be at the elderly ward for another week (: i can't wait!

oooh and yingyan sent me my first birthday card this year (: (though 10 days early.. but still!)

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