Sunday, November 12, 2006

anyway, i was just reminded of how forgetful i was today. put my clothes in the washing machine downstairs and totally forgot about them till about 4 hours later when someone mentioned clothes i realised that my clothes were downstairs. when i went down someone had already taken my laundry out and placed them on top of the washing machine. i dont blame them really, must have been pretty frustrating for them if they had been checking for hours whether or not the washing machine was still in use. anyway for the second time this week i used the dryer (which sucks really, doesnt really dry your clothes just makes it hot and damp) and came back down an hour later (kept reminding myself not to forget!) and james was taking my clothes out of the dryer cuz he wanted to use it :S wanted to smack him for being so impatient.

been trying to keep myself busy today with work. catching up on the lectures i missed last week and doing lots of laundry. doing laundry can be quite.. therapeutic. anyhows, i think i did mention i went to nottingham for Massoc Games yesterday. was really nice seeing familiar faces, looks like i've got lots of people to call up when i go down to london next month.

i just came back from dinner, and i cant believe i walked into a door. :S

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