Monday, November 20, 2006

been trying to post more photos but something seems to be wrong with picasa. but anyways, today i had my first dissection class and it was.. fun but, cutting fat is SO NOT PLEASANT. honestly.

today our task was to look at the pectoralis muscles which cover the chest. so bascially we had to skin the cadaver. and our cadaver was so fatty :( SO MUCH FAT, and i had to pull the skin with the layers of fat while mark skinned the cadaver and i felt sick, my gloves were really oily after that and i swore at that moment im never ever going to eat for the rest of my life. haha. YUCK thinking of the fats still makes me sick.

other than that, it was fun. lol.

and i noticed that our cadaver had nice eyelashes. hahah.

im SO tired, took a nap just now and woke up with a headache :S which is weird. but i need to get lotsa work done now so.. tata!

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