Tuesday, November 21, 2006

for the first time since autumn started i wore a skirt! :D yay. i must remember to bring over all my skirts from back home when i come back to sheffield after xmas. i thought i wouldnt wear them cuz it'd be cold here but stockings and boots do wonders really. haha yihchyn, dave told me what u said about my dressing today, you die. lol, just kidding. dave saved you by saying i looked pretty fly and made me happy. hahaha. anyhows im in a good mood because i managed to complete my tutorial today at the library (how efficient!) during the 4 hour break i had AND AND AND im going SHOPPING later! haha.
even though ive been here for more than 2 months im still not used to shops being closed so early in the late afternoons. BUT thankfully meadowhall (the really big mall i mentioned last time) closes at TEN! so tricia and i are going shopping later after dinner. :D but im not planning to buy anything, saving my money for the york trip the following week ;) oh and of course london next week! tricia wants to get some clothes from H&M.
anyhoooos tricia just msged me and she sounds excited. haha so am i :P
oh and did i mention i love second hand shops? i do i do! went to Oxfam to shop after critical numbers tutorial and just did some window shopping, looked at books and i felt so happy after that. i dont know why :D
shopping heals the soul.


Anonymous said...

mo-Dal...super mo-Dal...still got punched....hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

hey! i like seeing your photos. they are v nicely colourful. over here in my hostel, the caucasians scare me quite a bit and their antics are wow! hahaha. like, hello, kindly don't run around stark naked please (i'm serious) and the toilet is just 1 metre away, no need to pee at the bushes, really.