Wednesday, November 29, 2006

huiyiang and i
the vice chancellor giving his speechthe other awardees.
yiang, me and renie.

went for the scholarship presentation today at the ICOSS building. was glad it was sweet and short because i was tired of standing, feeling weak and wanted to go home and jump in bed. i didnt go for the audition last night in the end because i wasnt feeling too well. msged rob (the person in charge) to ask if there was another audition i could go for but he said no, so owell. it's alright i can always find other things meaningful to keep myself busy. the person from the homecare hasnt replied my email regarding voluntary work, it's been aaaaages! perhaps some time tomorrow or next week i'll drop by the union to check whether there is any other voluntary work i can do. oh and i must not forget to settle my second installment for my housing before i go home in 2weeksand6days!

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