Thursday, November 30, 2006

i've spent the whole afternoon... slacking.

(p.s. someone is cooking an egg! i can smell it from my room!! i want eggs! jeev!scrambled eggs!)

anyhows, i dont think i will go down for dinner tonight. last night i ordered two portions of main dish - fish as well as a vegetarian lagsana. i ordered both so i could choose the nicer dish to have for dinner. omg both were so gross. :( i just ate the pasta bits of the lagsana and gave up. so tonight it'd be tuna and salad in my room.

talked to jeev for a bit in the early afternoon which was nice cuz talking to him took away my headache, but now it's back and i have a fever :( WHY do i keep falling sick!?!? it's annoying really. i hardly fall sick in singapore and now that i've been in uk for about 3 months and this is my 3rd time falling ill. sigh.

i hope i wont get worse cuz im going to london for the weekend! (: looking forward to that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're back together with your bf? what happened?