Monday, December 11, 2006

i think i mentioned few posts ago that i bought a lamp when i was in london. anyways, my lamp didnt come with a bulb, so i thought i'd just get one in sheffield. but i've been back in sheffield for more than a week now and i've not got my bulb :(

so today i wanted to go bulb shopping with alice after visiting our patient at her house in the suburbs (nice old lady i must add). but then i realised, i had no idea which bulb to get because i didnt know the size. all i knew was that the screw fitting was about the size of my pinky.

then alice told me that i had to check my lamp cuz depending on the lamp, the bulb i need might be edison screw, small edison screw, or bayonet cap and i looked at her with a "how-on-earth-did-you-know-so-much-about-bulbs-look" and she said "dont look at me like that i used to work at a light bulb shop."


there, i have smart friends who can help me out all the time.

SO i came back, and i've been looking at my lamp for 10minutes but i cant find anything that could hint to me what kinda bulb my lamp needs other that "max 40 watt"


anyway the girls have gone out to the cinema to watch "The Holiday", me as usual being the antisocial one (haha just kidding) decided not to go because i want to watch it with jeev when i get back! (: (: (: (alice told me today she watched the movie over the weekend and it's awesome!)

so looks like im stuck with my pretty little red lamp with no light bulb and 2 packets of crisps. bought them just now with the plan of watching a xmas film with the girls on the laptop. looks like it's just me tonight!

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