Monday, December 11, 2006

more pictures from york!

on our way to a xmas antique market that we had to pay 50p to enter.

dave was really sweet he bought me a box from the market to put my jewelry cuz he insists that the box that i use to put my earrings now (it's a cookie box) is pathetic and very sad. (just to defend myself: it IS a cute cookie box okayy!)

yiang and dave drooling at the pastries.

yiang along the street.

keeping ourselves busy while dave SHOPPED at Next.

liz and i had so much fun playing with these slippers. if you squeeze the cow's tummy it will "moo". and also, if you let the two noses of the cows touch they will make a kissing sound!! awwwww so cute!! would have loved to have gotten a pair for myself!!

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