Friday, January 19, 2007

i realise, i do get quite a decent view of the sunset from my room window. anyhows, today the sun was out and it was absolutely lovely. trotted down to town on my own with a mission - to buy my printer. i've been wanting to get one for ages, just never got down to getting one. the sales lady was lovely, she gave me a discount of 10 pounds (: and she gave me free paper.

thought i'd be ambitious to go shopping after, but realised, i had underestimated how heavy the printer AND paper were. (the pack of paper was as heavy as the printer!) so. i ATTEMPTED to go shopping. i ended up buying... clothes hangers. hahahah. well it was quite an achievement really, to walk from currys to wilkinsons with those two heavy bags (: -pat on my shoulder-

now, i have to figure out how to set this big printer up.

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