Wednesday, January 17, 2007

thank you yan! (check your email too) thank you for reminding me how strong i really am, but i guess i have my moment of weakness too. sometimes when im feeling like im not that strong, i just need someone to be patient and understand, let me rant, and remind me that that moment will pass (cuz it always does).

anyway i probably have no more tears to cry. dave said the amount i've cried is probably enough to create a tsunami. i dont think he is exaggerating.

today's been a good day though. and i wore a pretty green dress that was hidden underneath my bigblackcoat, but still it made me happy. i think the weather has a part to play really. bright sun in the lovely blue sky. and i had sam and isaac to walk with me to the gym. and there were so many people i recognised at the gym. and i had isaac to walk home with, and we stopped by boots to get me some shower gel & facial wash, and greggs to get him his lunch, and we saw so many policemen&women on broomhill it was a bit weird. well.. im going to wash my clothes now (dave im serious about that washing machine) tata.

and yes yan, im gonna make it big (:

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