Tuesday, February 13, 2007

here i am enjoying cadbury roses chocolates (given to me for my birthday) and feeling extremely exhausted but very contented and happy.

i had a great day at the wards. especially since i've been assigned to the maternity ward and i get to see women and babies. took histories, took vital signs like a million times, collected blood from the blood bank, watched a blood tranfusion, felt women's tummy and learnt how to feel whether the uterus was contracting the right way or not, learnt a lot of new obstetrics and gynecology terms. tomorrow im going to see a Cesarean. (: and because i will be in scrubs, i wont have to wear my white coat, yes! -punches fist in the air-

i really had a great time, it's good to feel respected and treated like a professional, even though im a year one medical student, nurses and doctors were so kind and patient and answered and explained whenever i had questions.

i love it, with every patient i meet, i'm reminded why i really want to be a doctor.

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