Wednesday, February 14, 2007

i think all mummys are brave. i saw a cesarean today. ohmymomma. ouch :(
and that needle that they stick into her spine. i saw how long it was and i went O_0


as long as that line. (in fact, a few cm longer!)
i'd never ever want a cesarean.
ow ow ow.

and i can't imagine a natural delivery. if i needed epidural. the needle is equally long. ow. and the tear down there, OW OW OW. and i dont want anyone sticking catheters up me. :( maybe i should marry a gynae, and he can do all that for me.

but maybe i don't want babies afterall.

but, when the baby cried after the doctor took her out from the womb. that sound, you wont believe it, it really is the most beautiful sound in the world. the sound of life.

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